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Click here to selcet POUYA automatic grading Labs.

POUYA Labs. : Assessing Prior Knowledge

  Students come to the classroom with a broad range of pre-existing knowledge, skills, beliefs, and attitudes, which influence how they attend, interpret and organize in-coming information.   How they process and integrate new information will, in turn, affect how they remember, think, apply, and create new knowledge. Since new knowledge and skill is dependent on pre-existing knowledge and skill, knowing what students know and can do when they come into the classroom or before they begin a new topic of study, can help us craft instructional activities that build off of student strengths and acknowledge and address their weaknesses. Once prior knowledge and skill is assessed, there is a range of potential responses, depending upon the type of course, the uniformity of results, and the availability and type of supplemental materials and alternatives. For example, if a majority of the class possesses misconceptions or weak understanding of a concept that you viewed as a critical prerequisite, you may decide to include covering it in class, provide a supplementary session on it, or provide links to materials for students to engage with on their own. Similarly, if most students demonstrate proficiency in a skill you were planning to cover, you may decide to drop it and replace it with another skill that they have not yet developed, or adjust the level of complexity or time you spend on it. Individual students lacking many of the prerequisite skills and knowledge could be encouraged to take prerequisite courses or be forewarned that they need to develop proficiency in areas on their own if they are to succeed in the course. Thus assessing prior knowledge can enable both the instructor and the student to allocate their time and energies in ways that will be most productive. Examples of Methods for Assessing Prior Knowledge and Skills.
  There are several different methods to assess pre-existing knowledge and skills in students. POUYA labs provides the best method for assessing the student knowledge.

  It is also possible to assess the postgraduate students knowledge before asking them to join your group of research. In this way you will select the best student for your job.  

Click here to see the labs policy and prices.


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  1. Click here to see the class information. You can register in any class you wish by paying the tuition fee related to that class.
    Only the registered users can enter the class.
    If you would like to participate in POUYA classes as a teacher , please do not hesitate to contact us.
  2. Click here to enter in an automatic test class for free. This is a simulated class, during which you will learn how POUYA works free of charge. Also you will experience the situation of being in a virtual POUYA class.
    It is recommended to complete this class before registering in any other classes.
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